Wednesday, February 11, 2009

BTG wanted to share these

BTG gave a lovely explanation to me of this picture:
I learned that goldfish flowers when they are ripe, they are bright orangey-red and then when they get older, their bulb kind of shrinks and the seed inside them isn’t in the middle of the flower anymore. And then when they shrivel up and die they fall off the plant.

With this, I discovered that it grows in bunches of two or three together. And I also discovered that it was very hard to draw.

Last summer, BTG sat on a log in the backyard and drew this sketch of the neighbouring farm. She concentrated especially on getting the shadows right.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kid's sketches are beautiful!! I love B's farm sketch!
S loves to sketch, but my two boys just don't get into it. Any suggestions? (You could email me.)