Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Children and Food

Aren't they darling? BTG looks distraught, CTM just plain ugly and K2 is the pensive one.

There's been a good deal of pressure on me this past year to make lemon meringue pie and Cornish pasties. The pasties idea followed on our trip to England last year where we sampled as many as we could--just to get an objective taste of course.

So, I made the pie last weekend. I confess that although I prefer a homemade lemon filling and even had lemons with which to make it, I still pulled out the box from the cupboard and used that. But I did double the meringue. Two egg whites just didn't look impressive enough and seriously, if you're going to make and eat a lemon meringue pie, it might as well look impressive.

The Cornish pasties are K2's creation. He was bored and hungry. A good recipe for learning to cook! I hung out in the kitchen with him and helped where needed but he did it all. He's been happy with his lunches this week.

Spring Flowers

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It would appear that we don't see much in the world around us. Thankfully, this is not so but simply that I have forgotten about this page over the winter. oops. I'll try to get something up soon.